Better Together

The Windsor Bertie County is the best advocate forENC

We mean business for you

Expand your network, access resources, and advocate for business success locally.

Networking, resources, advocacy, growth, success in local community.

Networking opportunities

By joining the Windsor Bertie Chamber, members have access to a wide range of networking events and opportunities.

Advocacy and support

The Windsor Bertie Chamber is dedicated to advocating for the interests of local businesses and providing support to its members

Our Membership

Being a member of the Windsor Bertie Chamber can help businesses increase their visibility and exposure in the community


Meet and build new relationships with local business professionals at one of our many upcoming events.

What Are You Waiting For? Let’s Get Down to Business.

Our calendar of events

 This website is designed to provide our members and local residents, as well as visitors to the area, so check out our calendar of events

History of our area

Bertie County’s history is rich and diverse, spanning from colonial times to modern day, with stories of agriculture, industry, and civil rights. Learn More